general contracting



The general contracting is a variant of placing orders in the construction business. With general contracting the customer engages one single provider, the so called general contractor, to supervise and direct the complete construction, including purchases and supplementary services.

For this performance a fixed price will be agreed upon. The general contractor takes the full responsibility and liability for the project. The name general contracting colloquially is used for several variants of the basic concept of "single contracting parties." One distinguishes the following alternatives in the technical language:

General contracting: The general contractor renders all performances, excluding the planning performances but establishes at least a part of it himself.

General contractorship: The general contractor renders all performances, excluding the planning performances and acquires all performances from subcontractors.

Total contractor: The total contractor renders all performances including the planning but establishes at least a part of it himself.

Total management: The total manager renders all the performances produces including the planning and acquires all performances from subcontractors.

Single contractors: The single contractor renders all services with own sources excluding the planning performances and does not engage subcontractors.

A general contracting offers the customer the advantage that he can submit essential risks to the general contractor, who is liable to it for all defects and risks of possible cost increases. Therefore the customer saves quite an essential time since all coordination and supervisory services are executed by the general contractor.

General contractors tend to have a better overview of the current market situation than the customer. With the necessary specialized knowledge it is possible to open negotiations with the suppliers. innovIT AG as a general contractor can therefore negotiate favourable

conditions for you.

We of innovIT AG like to take on the construction or reorganisation of your data center as general contractor or a total contractorship. Since our main competence is the energy and cost-efficient planning of data centers, we would like to take over your assignment. But also unwinding such projects we already have gained much experience and would like pass those onto you. We’ll take care of IT.

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