Datacenter planning
Basis for a safe, reliable, energy-efficient and powerful data center... more
PUE of only 1,06 in 350 days per year! Also possible when retrofitting existing data centers... more
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care of IT!

A safe data center protects the corporate data but this safety causes also high operating costs. A large portion of these regular costs arises from power supply.
“Traditionally energy costs are less than 10% of the complete IT budget but could soon rise to more than half” (IDC Report 2007)
In data centers, which are a little older or grown little by little, the cost of electricity is usually higher than it actually should be. In such cases the operating costs can be reduced by modernization or improved coordination of infrastructure components.
To gain such potential savings, at first a thorough analysis of the actual status is required. The documentation of the data center will be checked by an expert, also the data center itself will be inspected and employees will be interviewed.
“Traditionally energy costs are less than 10% of the complete IT budget but could soon rise to more than half” (IDC Report 2007)
In data centers, which are a little older or grown little by little, the cost of electricity is usually higher than it actually should be. In such cases the operating costs can be reduced by modernization or improved coordination of infrastructure components.
To gain such potential savings, at first a thorough analysis of the actual status is required. The documentation of the data center will be checked by an expert, also the data center itself will be inspected and employees will be interviewed.
In the end everything will be summarized and the actual status can be described. On this basis we will searched for possible energy optimizations.
These will be documented, describing for every individual measure which reduction potential is possible and how high the investment costs will be.
The customer is provided not only with a qualitative analysis of the data center’s infrastructure but also with economical relevant information to ease his decision.
These will be documented, describing for every individual measure which reduction potential is possible and how high the investment costs will be.
The customer is provided not only with a qualitative analysis of the data center’s infrastructure but also with economical relevant information to ease his decision.
We advise you with pleasure to the topic energy optimization and like to take a close look at your data center. Don’t hesitate to ask us, we’ll take care of IT