Energy optimisation
During an energy-optimisation we examine the enegetic state of a data center AS IS, develop options, to bring it to energy efficiency and bring invest cost in relation to potential savings! ... more
Information management
Network Infra-structure Management
Get an overview of your network and IT components. The innovIT AG will help you! ... more
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care of IT!

Data center
The data center is the core of your IT and IT more and more becomes the core of companies. In many companies all business processes are build and steered using IT.
If the IT breaks down, it usually paralyzes an essential part of the operative capability of a company. But IT can be protected, prerequisite for this is a professionally planned and executed data center.
In most companies it is rather rare that a new data center will be built or an old one will reorganized, therefore usually not much specialized knowledge is available regarding reorganization of a data center. Additionally, in this area the market regularly presents new innovations. Therefore, when planning and constructing a data center it is common to consult external qualified specialists. They have extensive experience with such projects and know current developments of the market. Usually it is faster, more economical and leads to better results to pass these activities on to a service provider instead of executing them themselves.
These services are offered by different suppliers. Often architects or engineering offices offer the planning of the data center.
If the IT breaks down, it usually paralyzes an essential part of the operative capability of a company. But IT can be protected, prerequisite for this is a professionally planned and executed data center.
In most companies it is rather rare that a new data center will be built or an old one will reorganized, therefore usually not much specialized knowledge is available regarding reorganization of a data center. Additionally, in this area the market regularly presents new innovations. Therefore, when planning and constructing a data center it is common to consult external qualified specialists. They have extensive experience with such projects and know current developments of the market. Usually it is faster, more economical and leads to better results to pass these activities on to a service provider instead of executing them themselves.
These services are offered by different suppliers. Often architects or engineering offices offer the planning of the data center.
However, it has to be considered, that these offices are frequently only specialized in one topic and might have little experience and specific know-how in the other areas. The suppliers of room solutions also accept planning performances. In this case the required specialized knowledge is available but the respective company will only offer its own product and disregard other alternatives. If your company is looking for an independent adviser and planner, one who is specialized in data centers and advises you independently of manufacturers, with InnovIT AG you have made a good choice. Here you will find integral technical expertise, will be advised and will have the choice between different suppliers.
It is important to include the planner on an early stage into forthcoming projects and to facilitate communication between others parties involved such as
It is important to include the planner on an early stage into forthcoming projects and to facilitate communication between others parties involved such as
architects or construction engineers.
The work of the planner does not only start with the equipping of the room but already with the structural planning of the building. In this early stage many points can still be considered to obtain an optimal design of the data center. Otherwise suboptimum structural surroundings can lead to higher costs of the security technology for the implementation of the data center or completely exclude certain equipment options.
If you plan a new building or the reorganization of a data center, then reach out for the concentrated specialized knowledge and the extensive experience of a specialized data center planner. Contact us, we like to make an unbinding offer. We’ll take care of your IT.
The work of the planner does not only start with the equipping of the room but already with the structural planning of the building. In this early stage many points can still be considered to obtain an optimal design of the data center. Otherwise suboptimum structural surroundings can lead to higher costs of the security technology for the implementation of the data center or completely exclude certain equipment options.
If you plan a new building or the reorganization of a data center, then reach out for the concentrated specialized knowledge and the extensive experience of a specialized data center planner. Contact us, we like to make an unbinding offer. We’ll take care of your IT.